Social Media Integration

Our team is experienced in delivering a seamless solution for your customers. Post directly to social media platforms, drive user competition and gamification, and allow for easy posts of success/outcomes/progress by users. HITs has cutting edge solutions to advance the semantic interoperability and standards-based health information technology systems allowing for critical and successful healthcare reform within digital health landscape.

Posting to Media

Users enjoy the ease of posting to one or more social media accounts through your app. Progress such as weight loss, quitting smoking, finishing a learning resource, promoting the app, rating the app. All these events can be pushed to the users configured social media accounts with the tap of the screen.

Live Feed Window

Integrate your various social media posting and platforms into your web or app platform. View real time posting through the in-app window. This interactive features drives users to multiple channels.

Blog Posts

We will build a blog feature inside your platform. Create interest and a sticky-ness to your platform. Post discussions on common questions with more depth than the typical FAQs.

Personal Challenges - Leaderboard Shares

A common feature added after the MVP is gamification. We have PhD scientists with expertise in gamification strategies to boost engagement and lower app erosion. Integrate this feature with social media sharing and you have a great combination.